Monday, October 15, 2007

How to add a DiggIt,, Reddit, and more links/button to blogger

Several generations of the internet before today, one manually had to add each link to their blog template. In fact I posted about how to do this sometime a year ago. Time has passed and things have improved.

Yesterday I discovered, a site that simplifies the process. They manage the details of the links, buttons, and adds the very latest social bookmarking sites. You the blogger can get back to posting, and not waste your day tweaking your templates (unless you like that sort of thing).

Read up on AddThis by going to their site: link

Keywords: add social bookmarking links to your blogger blog, to any of Favorites, Google Bookmarks,,Digg, Facebook, Furl, StumbleUpon, Yahoo MyWeb, Newsvine, Reddit, Technorati, Live Bookmarks, Yahoo Bookmarks, Twitter, Ask, myAOL, Slashdot, Fark, Simpy, Propeller, RawSugar, Blogmarks, Spurl, LinkaGoGo, Mister Wong, Wink, Backflip, Magnolia, Diigo, Blue Dot, Segnalo, Netvouz, Tailrank, BlinkList, DropJack, Feed Me, Link. Add button to Favorites, Google Bookmarks,,Digg, Facebook, Furl, StumbleUpon, Yahoo MyWeb, Newsvine, Reddit, Technorati, Live Bookmarks, Yahoo Bookmarks, Twitter, Ask, myAOL, Slashdot, Fark, Simpy, Propeller, RawSugar, Blogmarks, Spurl, LinkaGoGo, Mister Wong, Wink, Backflip, Magnolia, Diigo, Blue Dot, Segnalo, Netvouz, Tailrank, BlinkList, DropJack, Feed Me, Link, Blogger Templates.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

open your files from a find command in emacs/vi or your favorite editor

For those shell experts this is obvious:

emacs `find . -name *.java`
vi `find . -name *.cpp`

Notice the back-quote which is one of the forms of command substitution.

More about Command Substitution here

keywords: open all files from find command, using find with emacs, using find with vi, find, bash, shell, Command Substitution, open multiple files with emacs, vi.