Sunday, October 01, 2006

Gentoo Cron job for backing up your data

Using one of those emerge commmands the other week to rebuild everything after a GCC 4.1.something upgrade, I overwrote a couple of key config files under /etc/... . Ouch, not wise. I made the rash assumption that it was a smart merge of the .config files. Don't do that, it is only as smart as the user :^). The only real loss was in the starting of a daemon for pulling data off of my weather station, but it took awhile to recollect the configuration.

A wiser way to go would be to goto my backups. Not having any didn't help -- it was on the to-do list. I found this to be a simple backup scheme for getting those all important configuration files and other data I might need.

Wikipage for Backupscripts and the cron jobs

I will now not repeat that mistake.

Keywords: Gentoo, Linux, cron job for backups, cron script for backups, simple script for linux backups.


Anonymous said...

Crazy husband. Linux Lore?!

Paul Cooley said...

1. the body of knowledge, esp. of a traditional, anecdotal, or popular nature, on a particular subject: the lore of herbs.
2. learning, knowledge, or erudition.
3. Archaic.
a. the process or act of teaching; instruction.
b. something that is taught; lesson.

Paul Cooley said...
